mendelson opensource OFTP2

mendelson opensource OFTP2

The mendelson OFTP2 is a JAVA-based open source OFTP2 solution
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Latest version:
2.0 See all
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OFTP2 is the communication standard used to securely transport all types of business data using the internet rather than over a dedicated network. Using a mechanism of message acknowledgement you will always know if your messages arrived at the system of your partner and which state your partners system returned after the receipt.
With the mendelson OFTP2 solution you can transfer not only EDI documents but also documents in various formats such as X12, UN/EDIFACT, XML, and Microsoft Word. The data is not changed as it is transferred - it arrives in the same format in which it was sent.
The mendelson OFTP2 solution gives you an easy and fast solution to communicate with your partners based on OFTP2. It can be used as stand alone modul or integrated in the mendelson business integration.
And the best: The mendelson OFTP2 solution will run on any playform that supports Java, this is Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Solaris, AIX



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